AKIRA: Kaneda & Bike in 1/6 by Project BM! x Medicom Toy

All I want for Christmas is this 1/6-scaled Kaneda and his bike from Medicom Toy ~ that's not too much to ask for, innit? Of course the March-2010 release date might be a tad hurdle for Santa to cross, but am sure he could pull some strings, no? Well, this might not be the latest-of-news, but hey, if the cyber-punk anime lore of AKIRA could endure + survive decades, surely this toy would last longer than an instant news-byte? (*cough*). Here are more drool-inducing peeks and information about Project BM!'s KANEDA SHOTARO and 1/6-Scale KANEDA's BIKE!

AKIRA - project BM!: Kaneda Shotaro
DROP-DATE: March 2010
PRICE: 18,690 YEN (US$211 / Reservation via Blister @ 14,900 YEN / US$169)
PRODUCT: PVC Headsculpt and RAH 301 articulated 12 inch body, wearing faux leather suit and welding ABS plastic weapon.

AKIRA - project BM!: 1/6 Scale Kaneda's Bike
DROP-DATE: March 2010
PRICE: 39,900 YEN (US$451 / Reservation via Blister @ 33,900 YEN / US$383)
PRODUCT: The bike is a reproduction of the DVD Edition illustrated version. Product sold separately with 1/6 Kaneda figure. Images shown here are of the prototype and is not the final product.

- Articulated Front and Back Wheel (turnable)
- Die-cast internal frame with front suspension plated.
- Removable front chasis
- Model includes audio-sound, via the accelerator (travelling sound), the brake (moving sound). External speaker connectability.
- Built-in LED lights.
**Disclaimer: The above description is my personal garbled-approximation of the online-translated product text from Japanese (via Blister.jp), and is in no way an accurate description of said product!**

[The LED lights maketh the neon-speed-beast, IMHO]

(Originally posted #onTOYSREVIL)